Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Full Body Workout Routine Is Gaining Popularity

By Joe Maldonado

It used to be that the full body workout routine was quite a bit less popular than doing the split routines in the gym. However, it seems as though lately the split routines have become outdated and the full body sessions are heading to the forefront. Fitness enthusiast no longer believe that it is effective to regularly do split routines unless you are severely lacking in a certain muscle group. Now it's more about building your muscles evenly to achieve balance and symmetry.

Additionally, most people love the limited time spent in the gym. With this type of a workout routine, the ideal schedule only consists of 2-3 days in the gym with the sessions lasting less than an hour. You only go a few days a week because you have to allow for sufficient recovery time in between every workout. This is because without the recovery time your muscles won't get as big as they could if you let them recover all the way.

Plus, you have to keep your workouts to less than an hour because if you work out too long you will get an abundance of cortisol in your body, and this is not an ideal situation. This causes the opposite effect of what you desire, because your muscles may actually become smaller rather than grow larger. The best possible scenario would be that they would remain the same size. A vast majority of people in today's fast paced society have jam packed lives with limited time slots in which they can fit in their workouts. For this reason, a full body workout routine becomes the ideal solution for most of the general population when it comes to anyone who has an interest in achieving a higher level of fitness.

It is essential to take the time beforehand to properly plan your workout sessions. In the case of weight lifting for your entire body, heavy lifting becomes important. First, it will be necessary for you to determine the heaviest amount of weight that you are able to lift for five reps. The weight that you should be lifting during your training sessions should be between 65-90 percent of that amount.

Besides going heavier with our weight, it is important for you to limit your exercises to just one for every muscle group. Also remember that with each new workout session, change which muscle group you begin with. We tend to give the most to the muscle group that we exercise first. When you vary it every time, you will be giving your different muscle groups a turn to get your strongest effort.

If you are able to, try to use free weights or dumbbells instead of machines. Machines are okay if you have to use them, it's just that all they do is isolate the muscle. When you use free weights you will be using your balance and stabilizing every single movement. Obviously, the advantages are numerous as to why you would choose to use a full body workout routine, and anyone can improve their level of fitness this way with the right amount of dedication and consistency.

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