Monday, July 18, 2011

Effectively Sweeping Your PC

By Ping Davis

There's a big connection between your home and your PC. There are 3 main reasons: One, your house and your computer store information, records, and details about you and your life style. The types and kinds of information saved in your computer is the same as the types and kinds of stuff within your house. Two, your house and your PC are prone to acquiring bugs. Viruses, spyware and computer bugs are like the insects, pests and unwanted organisms inside your house. Three, your house and your PC can become so packed that things get unorganized as well as disorderly. The performance and the capacity of your PC is like the number of rooms, the quantity of things and the number of people your house can hold.

Along with all these factors, your house and your PC are required to have an intensive maintenance every so often to speed up everything or to help you make your life or work quicker. IT maintenance can help you clean up your computer and put in order your files and data.

By analogy, Computer maintenance is like doing a spring cleaning of your home. As soon as cleaning and inspection are done, you will feel relieved since it's more convenient to execute things surrounding the house or around your programs and work files given that all are in apple-pie order. Isn't it wonderful to live in such a home just as it is pleasant to have a high-performance PC? Trust the experts and have your computer revved up.

In maintaining the speed and performance of your PC, categorize your documents systematically by putting them along the same category or purpose inside specific folders. Sensitive data have to be stored as well as hidden while access is restricted with the use of entry codes or passwords. It's similar to putting a security device or a metal door for your important belongings. Do not crowd your data in a single directory. You need to separate them. It's like when you're packing stuff. You place them in several cartons. Defrag your computer weekly and scan the bugs in your programs by setting up antivirus and anti-spyware programs. It's like cleaning your house weekly to help you get organized all the time.

Cleaning up your Computer by eradicating unnecessary data helps you optimize your work. Make it it simple and your life will be simple.

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