Sunday, June 5, 2011

Everything one needs to understand about tribal cross tattoos

By Logan Clelland

If one were to hear the word 'tribal cross tattoo' the very first time, the image that would come to his mind would be that of a traditional outdated style. But in reality this is not the case, with these tats selling the best on the globe of tats at present. Both women and men seek these tattoos owing to their unique artistic pattern and magnetic appeal.

Getting into the details, the tribal tats for men are usually broad and comparatively big in size. Girls prefer these tats on areas such as neck and ankle, thus providing enough room only for a small tattoo. The Celtic cross tattoos which is probably the oldest forms of cross tattoo is combined with the tribal tattoo producing one of the best tattoo forms at present, the tribal butterfly tattoos.

Also the tattoo artists at present take advantage of designs other than the usual spirals and knots used in the conventional tribal tats. The usage of flowers with the usual design makes it suitable for the lower back and the love handles of a woman. The much wanted glamorous look is thus obtained. Also, using fairies inked in such away there's symmetry on either sides of the cross creates a great impact. The added advantage lies in the fact that as fairies can be closely for this cross, they make the theme of the tattoo more meaningful.

Among the various designs available, the choice of the right pattern for the individual depends on his character, tastes and what he wants to showcase. For the women who like to flaunt their beauty, the designs suitable are floral tribal cross tattoo and angel winged tribal cross tattoo.

The essence of tribal cross tattoo lies in the belief that it not only serves the intention of exhibiting one's respect and sense of belongingness to a particular ethnicity, but also is a visual representation of the history of the clan which the tattoo represents.

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