Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Is A Temp Agency

By Adrianna Noton

A temp agency places people in jobs which only last for a set amount of time. In this they differ from recruitment companies which are used by companies that want to hire on a long term basis. The work done however may be equivalent. Many people in permanent position actually began their jobs this way. After a tryout term, they were hide for the long haul.

These companies will often concentrate on a particular portion of the large field they inhabit. Some may specialize in serving the needs of the industrial and manufacturing sector. Others will fill only those spots that are clerical in nature. Because the health care industry is so huge, it is broken down into several components that make use of different servers. A major municipal hospital may have recourse to turn to several.

These outfits will often require potential employees who register to work with them to take a series of tests designed to determine skill levels in various talents. Their scores will determine how high up they are in the hiring process. The best test takers will be called upon often while those lower down will have to wait until demand reaches down to their level.

Once an assignment is given, the worker will receive instructions on where to go and when and who to seek out upon arrival. This can include comments as to how to dress and how to act on the job. The tasks may not be exactly what was signed up for. If so a decision of whether to accept will have to be made. A refusal can limit the future offers that will be made.

It is up to the employees to keep calling in to check on availability of jobs. Such eagerness can be rewarded with additional assignments. They need to understand that their employer is the temp service and not the company where they are doing the work. It is the rules and regulations which their employers use to run their organizations that constitute the standards that must be adhered to by the worker.

While these workers have the luxury of working as they choose, they do not have the stability which comes with a regular job. Although assignments can come with completion dates, these do not have to be complied with. There is no guarantee for how long they will last, and they can be cut off at any time without the need for explanation. It is quite common however for a job like this to be extended.

Employees of this sort can often be paid more than the permanent people they work alongside of. They can choose which sort of shifts they prefer to have. It can be easier gaining this sort of work than permanent employment. On the downside, not many benefits accrue to these people. There is seldom health care coverage provided or any sort of retirement package. The turn over rate is high in this area as a result of its unsteady status.

A placement agencies offers people a chance to quickly find gainful employment. It is often the start of something longer. Job skill may be acquired, and contacts established. Some of these sorts of endeavors will categorize employees as independent contractors, This leads to less liability risks for employers.

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