Monday, May 30, 2011

Have You Heard Of The New Network Marketing

By Jon Ochs

Many network marketers are relying on what is known as new network marketing to try to build their business. The business of network marketing is an old business concept. People have been making money through network marketing for decades.

The people who can build relationships in this business are those who will succeed. Some people rely on internet marketing to build their business. The internet has become a part of almost everyone's life and if a business does not have a website it is considered to be behind the times. But too many people in the network business think that all they need is an internet marketing campaign to succeed.

Most networking companies provide their associates with their own website from which they can order products and use as a marketing tool. If a potential associate has questions about the products or the history of the company, a network marketer can direct the potential associate to his website for that information. But the problem is that too many associates are relying on their websites to do their selling rather than speaking directly to the person who might want join.

The website can have all the pertinent information, the website could be the most professional looking website on the internet, the site could be an award winner, but websites do not close deals. People close deals and that is why network marketers have to know how to use their website as an effective marketing tool. A website can be an effective lead generator if used properly.

Internet marketing is a good way to collect leads. An effective internet marketing campaign can bring in ten to twenty leads everyday. But a lead is not a sale until the lead is convinced by someone that the opportunity is the right one for him or her.

This is a numbers game; nothing is going to change this fact. Internet marketing can help a network marketer contact many people in a relatively short period of time but contacting a person and selling a person are two different things. Relationship is still the most important part of networking.

The network marketing business is a numbers driven business and nothing is going to change this fact. Online marketing is a good way to increase the numbers of leads an associate but the website is not going to close the deal. Relationship building is the way to close a sale and people who think that the internet is the answer to their business needs have to realize this.

People want to know their up line. A person who is thinking of joining a business wants to know his or her business partner. The internet cannot build relationship between an up line and his down line. The new network marketing that involves the internet a means to connect with people fast. But the foundation of networking is based on relationship building which can only be done by people interacting on a personal basis.

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