Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why Can't You Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Results?--Uncover The Not One But Two Major Factors Why It Happens To You

By Christopher Dexter

Have you ever failed repeatedly at weight loss? You try and try and the weight always comes back! That's because there are things you don't know about your body, your mind and how they need to work together.

What causes you to burn fat or not is a protein called Leptin. The level of Leptin in your body tells the brain whether your body should store fat or reduce fat. Low Leptin levels can slow or maybe stop your metabolism, lower thyroid hormone levels, increase fat storing hormones and increase your appetite or cravings. So, when you skip a meal or undereat, it may seem that you're going to lose a few pounds, but really you're putting your body into a fat storage mode. So, the vital thing you should know is the fact that nutrition (eating the appropriate foods in the right quantities at the proper intervals) is the main key for you to lose those pounds. If you are able to master how nutrition works, you're three-fourths of the way toward defeating your weight loss problems.

So, how can you eat enough without adding more pounds to your person? Begin thinking that the size of your fist is what a portion is. When you make yourself a meal, give yourself:

* One portion of protein the size of your fist.

* One portion of carbohydrates

* Enough vegetables to fill you up (use a combination of different colored vegetables perferrably)

This is a guideline for your normal meals. Remember, use vegetables to top off your stomach. If cravings occur between meals, you should always carry a piece of fruit, or perhaps a low calorie meal replacement bar or shake.

There are other sabotaging factors, such as unconcious behaviors and patterns. Some are as follows:

* Self-defeating thoughts like, "Hey, I deserve that piece of cake!"

* Reaching for the fattening or sugary stuff when you get bad news.

* Allowing friends to convince that your diet wouldn't have worked anyway.

Freeing yourself from unconcious behaviors and patterns is critical in the war against fat. Otherwise, it will be like trying to swim the Atlantic Ocean while being encased in cement. You must break free of what is limiting you in order to accomplish the incredibly satisfying task of getting a trimmer body.

Of course, educating yourself as to what works and what doesn't has always been the deciding factor in any endeavor. What you don't know will always defeat you. Don't allow that to happen to you when it comes to your weight loss goals. Keep learning and you will succeed. I've only mentioned a few things. There is more that you need to know.

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